Who is the Project Management Audit for?

Project management may be implemented when we take a close look on the barriers, difficulties and challenges specific to the one and unique organization and its team. Although the principles of management are unchanging, the key is MATCHING them to the personality of the organisation. This personality is made up of the current organisational solutions, the people working in it, the tools used and the way it is managed.


We can prescribe a drug without a diagnosis, but then we’re just letting the cards fall where they may. Therefore, we propose to start by diagnosing the situation, collecting facts and recommending further actions on their basis. During the diagnosis you get a report on the organization in the context of project management and an action plan to be implemented so that you may achieve the expected results. During the diagnosis we look for strengths, trying to understand what the key to success in your projects is, and where your company aims to be in the future. Remember that we’re designing a process that will be ready for change.


Therefore you are heartily welcome to cooperate :)

4 aspects of audit


The first aspect of evaluation is the project management process. Which elements of the process already function in the organization in a more or less formal way? Which elements are missing? We focus on checking how projects are started, run and completed in the company. How teams are involved across different functions? How are all projects in the organization controlled and managed? To which extent does the process strengthen the drawing of conclusions?


The second aspect of the diagnosis is cooperation, communication and personality of the organization. To which extent are the teams prepared to work across different functions? What is the communication path? Where are the barriers to decision making, to passing information? How teams deal with conflicts and difficult issues? Which level of project management consciousness and competences are already present in the company?


The third aspect of the audit is an overview of the tools used in the organization outside the ubiquitous Excel. Which specialist tools are needed to do the work? Does the software used by employees support the functions of reviewing all projects, planning, tracking progress, communication? We look for what is already working in the organization and for the possible gaps to base as many processes as possible on tools that people already know.


The fourth aspect, but not the least important one, is information about the company. Where is it today? What does its organizational structure look like? What is the history of the company's development and why it is organized in this way? Which organizational changes it has gone through? Which stage is it at now? What are its goals for the coming years? What does this mean for the structure and the employees? What types of projects need to be launched in relation to the above? What strategic decisions have been or will be taken in the near future?

Would you like to know more?


The first step of the diagnosis consists in individual conversations with key persons. We do look for weaknesses just for the sake of it - that's not the point. We capture the most important information in terms of process, people, tools and strategy to present a 360 degree picture. The interview is performed during a 1-1.5 hour meeting. We conduct interviews with persons who are of a key importance for the success of the projects.
On the basis of the collected information we present a report showing strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities related to project management. The analysis of the project management process in terms of project portfolio management, initiation, planning, resources, implementation, drawing conclusions, maintaining results and tools. We present a preliminary recommendation for action.
The diagnosis is complemented by workshop with persons participating in the audit. The aim of the workshop is to start implementing the recommendations in order to work out a final action plan. Depending on the recommendations, the workshop covers different areas. Thanks to them we quickly verify the attitude of the team to the implemented changes and you receive a final, feasible action plan.

Step one – interview


During the interviews, we focus on finding answers to the following questions:


  • Company strengths
  • Weaknesses of the company regarding projects
  • What are the key evaluation criteria (KPIs) for each position?
  • How many projects are implemented in the company?
  • What type of projects are they?
  • How many projects are implemented by the selected department?
  • How projects are launched?
  • How is planning done?
  • How resources are managed and earmarked for the project?
  • How knowledge is gathered and how conclusions are drawn?


We also collect evidence showing how these processes are implemented, to which extent, and by means of which tools.


Step two – summary


After collecting information from the interview, we analyse the collected information in relation to the company’s expectations, current situation and project knowledge. No two organizations are the same, so this analysis process is not linear. Most often we discover several common patterns for individual departments, and individual good practice items on which further solutions can be built. The aim of the analysis is not to show deviations from global standards (because they are the easiest to find in any company without doing any research), but to show:

  • What level of project maturity is the company at?
  • What are the 3-5 points to which the change leverage should be applied?
  • Repeated schemes in the company system that support or block project management

The discovered relationships are usually not linear, but cross-sectional, which is why we present them in the form of a thought map, which is also a formula for future action. At this stage we contrast our understanding of the organization with how you see it, to choose what we should focus on during the workshop.


Step three – Workshop


Workshop depends on the identified points of change leverage. Its aim is to start the process of changing the approach within the organization and to check what other points of potential resistance are inside the organization. They only come to light when we start to work on change. At the same time, the workshop introduces the first steps and also diagnoses whether the organisation is ready to work at a given moment.


The most common issues of the workshop include:


  • Development of a project portfolio in the organisation
  • Monitoring and control rules for multiple projects
  • Creating rules for the project management process
  • Working out details of project initiation
  • Risk management in the organisation
  • Analysis of key persons in projects, working with customers
  • The role of the sponsor and project manager – principles of cooperation
  • Project initiation – how to measure project benefits
  • Retrospection – how to learn from your mistakes


Thanks to this approach, the audit ends with a list of conclusions and increased competence of the team and a FEASIBLE ACTION PLAN that allows you to continue work independently or with our support.

Poznaj trenerów

Mariusz kapusta
Project Management Expert I have a lot of papers to confirm that :), e.g. PMP, ACP, Professional Scrum Master. I have been conducting projects since 1998, and since 2001 also international ones.However, I am backed up by more than just the papers. I am the creator of the KISS PM method I like simplicity, and solutions based on millions of forms have never worked, so something simple has been created. I am the author of the book "Step-by-step project management" Writing gives me pleasure, and in the case of this book it turned out that readers like what I have written.
Magdalena Robak
Wzmacnia kompetencje liderów i jakość [współ]pracy Od 1997 roku realizuję projekty rozwojowe (indywidualne i grupowe) ukierunkowanie na wzmocnienie kompetencji liderów i pracowników w trójkącie troski o wyniki, procesy i relacje w zespołach. By wszyscy świadomie i efektywnie realizowali swoją rolę. Asesor doskonałości zarządzania projektami Od 2015 roku m. in. w ramach IPMA Polish Project Excellence Award prowadzę ocenę doskonałości zarządzania projektami w oparciu o IPMA Project Excellence Model. Jestem także Członkiem Rady Mazowieckiej Grupy Regionalnej promującym Model w ramach działań MGR. Stosuje podejście systemowe By zmiana jednego elementu była skuteczna (człowiek) – musimy stworzyć odpowiednie warunki. Dlatego wspólnie analizujemy niezbędną zmianę w pozostałych elementach: procesy, standardy, narzędzia, przełożeni, ...


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