How complicated can simple things get? It turns out..,
very! Nonstop around to the simple question “How do I do this?” I get the answer – You have to ask yourself a million questions and get a PhD in the field to be able to do anything about it. Seriously? Do you need to know how a TV works to watch a show, or is a remote control enough for you?
The KISS PM™ 12 question method is what sets us apart from our competitors the most. Everybody praises their product but we do not shout that 12 KISS PM™ questions are better than PMBOK, than SCRUM or PRINCE… What is more, we do not think so but we can guarantee that 12 Questions KISS PM™ is easier than any other project management method. It explains in simple terms what project management is all about and shows you what to do to start well and finish well.
We deal comprehensively with the subject of project management. We conduct open and closed trainings, conduct audit/diagnosis of project management in a company/organization, deal with implementation of project management and project management tools. Our approach is based on simple, effective and customized project management according to proven KISS PM 12 questions method..
Leadership Center jest członkiem Polskiej Izby Firm Szkoleniowych - największej organizacji zrzeszającej firmy szkoleniowe i doradcze w Polsce. Stanowi to potwierdzenie stosowania przez Leadership Center Kodeksu Dobrych Praktyk PIFS, który jest wspólnym mianownikiem jakościowym członków PIFS.
Mieliśmy przyjemność współpracować z firmą Leadership Center oraz Panem Mariuszem Kapustą podczas projektu doradczo-szkoleniowego związanego z doskonaleniem metodologii zarządzania projektami w naszej spółce.
Pan Mariusz w naszej ocenie to profesjonalista i pasjonat zarządzania projektami. Merytorycznie i w praktyczny sposób potrafił przekazać sposób efektywnego prowadzenia portfela w naszej firmie. Przy wsparciu Leadership Center przenieśliśmy nasze środowisko PM na wyższy poziom.
Wysoko oceniamy sobie współpracę z firmą Leadership Center i Panem Mariuszem Kapustą oraz szczerze polecamy go jako partnera biznesowego.
Prezes Zarządu Bella Sp. z o.o.
Dariusz Kostkowski
KIK Sp. z o.o.
The methodology of conducting the training, the workshop forms used, discussions, work in subgroups or simulation games met with great appreciation of the training participants. We are very satisfied with the cooperation with Magdalena Robak and the Leadership Center team. Ms. Magdalena has extensive knowledge on team management skills and can convey it in an accessible and interesting way. We recommend Magdalena Robak and Leadership Center as a valuable partner for cooperation in the field of training.
Dakoma Sp. z o.o.
As your customer, we can highly recommend co-operation with you. Although we have conducted many stages of our project of standard development on our own, we have been in constant contact with the coach who has supported us and encouraged us to take the next steps. You can see a focus on keeping the customer satisfied and on implementing the most reasonable solution at the time, rather than wanting to sell more of your products to a satisfied customer “alongside” the process. We like the flexibility but also the creativity and the drive to develop the Leadership Center (e.g. the “12 questions” e-learning course). I heartily recommend Mr. Mariusz Kapusta and Leadership Center as a valuable partner for cooperation in the field of project management.
Constantia Teich Poland Sp. z o.o.